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It’s That Time of Year…Clocks Move Back on Sunday, November 3rd, 2024!

Time seems to be moving faster and faster the older I get! Some days I wish I could just push “pause” – do you all feel the same? That being said, the end of October is quickly approaching which means that the end of daylight saving time is right around the corner.  And, although the thought of our children waking an hour earlier come Sunday November 3rd is the last thing we all want to think about, there are plenty of things we can do before the time change to make it less likely to have an early riser.

Before moving your clocks back by an hour before going to sleep on Saturday November 2nd (the time change officially starts at 2 am on Sunday, November 3rd), read on for some tips and tricks to keep your little ones sleeping well and minimally disrupted by the time change.

Tips for everyone…

  • Spend lots of time outdoors: Physical activity will help ensure that your little one is tuckered out in time for naps and bedtime. Natural light is one of the best ways to reset our internal clocks.
  • Be sure your child’s room is DARK, DARK, DARK: Cave-like darkness and white noise will make a big difference. With the sun rising earlier, it is critical to make sure the room is very dark with no sunlight peeking through the sides of the blackout shades.
  • Keep your children well rested: With any change to schedule or routine, the more rested your children are leading up to the change, the more successful the transition will be. Spend time now getting naps and night sleep in order…a well-rested sleeper will handle this transition much more smoothly than an overtired child!
  • Keep the routine consistent: Continue with your calm and predictable bedtime routine so your child knows exactly what to expect. In other words, Saturday, November 2nd, is probably not the best night to have your kids stay up late or invite guests over to the house. Instead, stick to your typical schedule as much as you can.


  • Lighting: For the first week or two after Daylight Saving Time (DST) ends, keep the lights a bit dimmer for the first hour or so after waking in the morning and the lights a bit brighter for the last hour of the day. This will help reset your child’s internal clock to the new time.

Start preparing a week ahead…

  • Start the transition to the new time several days before the end of DST. Shift the bedtime later by 10-15 minutes each day leading up to November 3rd. Be sure to adjust the entire day (naps, bedtime, and meals) and not just sleep times.  By Sunday, your child’s body will already be on the way to adjusting to the new time.
  • If bedtime is usually at 7 pm, try this schedule the week before:

*Tuesday 7:10 pm bedtime

*Wednesday 7:20pm bedtime

*Thursday 7:30 pm bedtime

*Friday 7:40 pm bedtime

*Saturday 7:50 pm bedtime

*Sunday 7 pm bedtime (adjusted to the new time)

Your Child’s Temperament

  • It’s definitely true that some children are more sensitive sleepers than others. If that describes your child, it would probably be in your best interest to start preparing the week ahead.

Or go cold turkey…

  • For some children, there is no need to prepare your child for the time change. Starting Sunday morning, move all meals, bath time and sleep to the new time. Within a few days their body will adjust.

Tips for making Sunday as smooth as possible…

  • Adjust the entire day to the new time including wake-up, naps, bath, bedtime, and meals.
  • If your child wakes early, do your best to keep him in his crib or bed until his regular wake-time. Delaying his exposure to natural light will help reset his internal clock.
  • If necessary, you can meet halfway for naptime. For example, if your little one naps at 9 am, you can put him down at 8:30 am for the first day while he adjusts to the new time. The rest of the day will follow suit.

Keep the course, have realistic expectations, and give it time…

  • If your children easily adjust to the time change, you may be those lucky parents who get an extra hour of sleep. Most of you, however, should expect that your children will wake for the day up to an hour earlier until their bodies have adjusted to the new time.  It can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks for your little one’s internal clock to reset to the new time.
  • As with all sleep training, the most important thing is for Mom and Dad to approach this transition with patience, confidence, and consistency.

Does this feel Overwhelming?

  • If it does, I totally get it. My Sleep Q & A (30-minute call for $90) is the perfect way to talk thru the potential challenges and pitfalls. I can answer all of your questions, and we can come up with a plan, so you feel ready to tackle the time change.

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