Renee's Story
I quickly realized how important sleep was to my girls’ development and behavior. Word got around and I became the go-to sleep guru for my friends, and friends of friends, so much so that I was inspired to start my own sleep consulting practice. I completed an extensive sleep-training program covering all aspects of baby and children’s sleep to become a certified infant and child sleep consultant through the Family Sleep Institute.

In 2019, I added to my toolbox by becoming certified as a child behavior consultant through Sharyn Timerman and The Early Years, Inc. Child Behavior Certification Program.
It is my goal to empower parents and provide them with the necessary tools to build foundations that will last a lifetime, to encourage respect and cooperation, and to provide strategies to set clear and respectful boundaries that promote cooperation and calmness in the home.
My reputation for having a warm and non-judgmental personality immediately puts parents at ease. Through custom sleep plans, behavior recaps, 1:1 consultations, ongoing parental support, guest lectures, and group classes, I guide parents to teach their children to become healthy sleepers and to turn parenting challenges into learning opportunities. Together we can decrease the struggle and increase the cooperation with your children to help make parenting enjoyable and fun.
When I am not helping families get a better night’s sleep and bringing peace to their homes, I enjoy a balanced life spending time with my husband and my three girls, cooking, baking, and staying active.
Originally from Los Angeles and now living in St. Louis, MO, I hold a Masters’s degree in Public Health from UCLA and a Physical Therapy degree from Boston University.
Education & Training
- Infant & Toddler Sleep Consultant Certification - Family Sleep Institute
- Child Behavior Certification, The Early Years Family Development Centre, Inc.
- Masters in Public Health, UCLA
- Bachelors in Science, Physical Therapy; Boston University
- Helping Your Child Sleep Through the Night; Nancy Birkenmeier, BSN, RN
- Business Consulting for the Sleep Consultant, Ingrid Prueher
- Gentle Sleep Training Techniques, Family Sleep Institute
- Post Partum Depression and Sleep, Sarah Stern, PhD
- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome for Professionals, Canadian Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths
- Potty Training and Its Effects on Sleep, Ashley Hickey
- Communication and the Family Meeting: “Recipes for Success”, Sharyn Timerman, ECE
- Chiropractic & Childhood Sleep Disturbances, Glory Eidt, D.C.
- The Incidence, Pathophysiology and Treatment of GERD During Infancy, Warren Shapiro, MD
- Sleep Development in Early Infancy, Professor Helen Ball, PhD
- Safe Sleep and Child Care – Cheryl Carey, MSW
- Common Breast Feeding Myths and Problems - Lyndsey Hookway, BSc, RN, IBCLC
- Mindfulness and Sleep - Sasha Carr, PhD
- Nutrition and Sleep - Jill Castle, MS, RD, LDN
- Family Sleep Institute Safe Sleep Seminar- Katie Kovaleski
- Solving Autism Related Sleep Challenges - Beth Malow
- Supporting Families of Children with Disabilities and Sleep Problems - Julie Sutton, RN, PhD
- The New Child- from Birth to 2 Years; The First 24 Months and Stages of Development - Sharyn Timerman, ECE
- Communication, Positive Guidance and The Developing Child - Sharyn Timerman, ECE
- The Intersection of Breastfeeding and Sleep Training - Brianna Violand, IBCLC, CSC, FSI Lactation Expert
- The Bullied, the Bully, and the Not-So-Innocent Bystander - Barbara Coloroso
- Parenting Through Crisis - Barbara Coloroso
- Creating Healthy Habits; a Nutrition Workshop - Julie Miller, MSW
- Strengthening Partnerships with Child Care Providers - Cheryl Carey, LMSW; Safe Care Consulting
- Helping Children Who Worry: A Practical Guide to Coaching Through Anxiety and Fears - Sharyn Timerman